Hardware Sprites
Welcome back to Exploring FPGA Graphics. In the previous part, we updated our display signals and learnt about colour palettes. This part shows you how to create fast, colourful graphics with minimal logic. Hardware sprites maintain much of the simplicity of our Pong design while offering greater creative freedom.
In this series, we learn about graphics at the hardware level and get a feel for the power of FPGAs. We’ll learn how screens work, play Pong, create starfields and sprites, paint Michelangelo’s David, draw lines and triangles, and animate characters and shapes. New to the series? Start with Beginning FPGA Graphics.
Series Outline
- Beginning FPGA Graphics - video signals and basic graphics
- Racing the Beam - simple demo effects with minimal logic
- FPGA Pong - recreate the classic arcade on an FPGA
- Display Signals - revisit display signals and meet colour palettes
- Hardware Sprites (this post) - fast, colourful graphics for games
- Framebuffers - bitmap graphics featuring Michelangelo’s David
- Lines and Triangles - drawing lines and triangles
- 2D Shapes - filled shapes and simple pictures
- Animated Shapes - animation and double-buffering
You should be to run these designs on any recent FPGA board. I include everything you need for the iCEBreaker with 12-Bit DVI Pmod, Digilent Arty A7-35T with Pmod VGA, Digilent Nexys Video with on-board HDMI output, and Verilator Simulation with SDL. See requirements from Beginning FPGA Graphics for more details.
What is a Sprite?
A sprite is a graphics object that can be moved and animated independently of the background and other sprites. Hardware sprites use dedicated logic for drawing. Until the mid-90s, they were an essential part of computer graphics.
Hardware sprites are a good fit for an FPGA as they’re easy to control, and we can scale them to fit a game design: whether we want hundreds of tiny sprites or a few huge ones. Hardware sprites are also valuable for cursors or pointers in professional applications, providing a responsive UI without complex screen redrawing.
Workbench 2 Mouse Pointer (Commodore Amiga)
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Megadrive)
A Simple Sprite
We’re going to start with a tiny 8x8 pixel sprite using just two colours. Our first sprite is the letter ‘F’ with a full stop (period). It’s a simple, asymmetric design, making it easier to spot bugs (such as incorrect orientation or pixels being missed off):
We can represent this sprite as a two-dimensional array, like we did in the earlier Hello demo:
initial begin
bmap[0] = 8'b1111_1100;
bmap[1] = 8'b1100_0000;
bmap[2] = 8'b1100_0000;
bmap[3] = 8'b1111_1000;
bmap[4] = 8'b1100_0000;
bmap[5] = 8'b1100_0000;
bmap[6] = 8'b1100_0011;
bmap[7] = 8'b0000_0011;
Simple Sprite Drawing
Before we start writing Verilog, we should outline the steps required to draw the sprite. You could take many approaches, but I’ve opted for a simple line-based algorithm.
On every screen line:
- Register sprite position (save sprite coordinates)
- Idle unless sprite is active on this line
- Wait for the horizontal sprite position
- Draw a line of sprite pixels
- Idle
This process is well represented by our old friend, the finite state machine (FSM). In fact, our first sprite design is little more than a simple finite state machine with a small array for the graphic [sprite_inline.sv]:
module sprite_inline #(
parameter CORDW=16, // signed coordinate width (bits)
parameter H_RES=640, // horizontal screen resolution (pixels)
parameter SX_OFFS=2 // horizontal screen offset (pixels)
) (
input wire logic clk, // clock
input wire logic rst, // reset
input wire logic line, // start of active screen line
input wire logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sx, sy, // screen position
input wire logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sprx, spry, // sprite position
output logic pix, // pixel colour index
output logic drawing // drawing at position (sx,sy)
// sprite bitmap
localparam SPR_WIDTH = 8;
localparam SPR_HEIGHT = 8;
logic [0:SPR_WIDTH-1] bmap [SPR_HEIGHT];
initial begin // MSB first, so we can write initial block left to right
bmap[0] = 8'b1111_1100;
bmap[1] = 8'b1100_0000;
bmap[2] = 8'b1100_0000;
bmap[3] = 8'b1111_1000;
bmap[4] = 8'b1100_0000;
bmap[5] = 8'b1100_0000;
bmap[6] = 8'b1100_0011;
bmap[7] = 8'b0000_0011;
// coordinates within sprite bitmap
logic [$clog2(SPR_WIDTH)-1:0] bmap_x;
logic [$clog2(SPR_HEIGHT)-1:0] bmap_y;
// for registering sprite position
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sprx_r, spry_r;
// status flags: used to change state
logic spr_active; // sprite active on this line
logic spr_begin; // begin sprite drawing
logic spr_end; // end of sprite on this line
logic line_end; // end of screen line, corrected for sx offset
always_comb begin
spr_active = (sy - spry_r >= 0) && (sy - spry_r < SPR_HEIGHT);
spr_begin = (sx >= sprx_r - SX_OFFS);
spr_end = (bmap_x == SPR_WIDTH-1);
line_end = (sx == H_RES - SX_OFFS);
// sprite state machine
enum {
IDLE, // awaiting line signal
REG_POS, // register sprite position
ACTIVE, // check if sprite is active on this line
WAIT_POS, // wait for horizontal sprite position
SPR_LINE, // iterate over sprite pixels
WAIT_DATA // account for data latency
} state;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (line) begin // prepare for new line
state <= REG_POS;
pix <= 0;
drawing <= 0;
end else begin
case (state)
REG_POS: begin
state <= ACTIVE;
sprx_r <= sprx;
spry_r <= spry;
ACTIVE: state <= spr_active ? WAIT_POS : IDLE;
WAIT_POS: begin
if (spr_begin) begin
state <= SPR_LINE;
bmap_x <= sx - sprx_r + SX_OFFS; // account for start offset
bmap_y <= sy - spry_r;
SPR_LINE: begin
if (spr_end || line_end) state <= WAIT_DATA;
bmap_x <= bmap_x + 1;
pix <= bmap[bmap_y][bmap_x];
drawing <= 1;
WAIT_DATA: begin
state <= IDLE; // 1 cycle between address set and data receipt
pix <= 0; // default colour
drawing <= 0;
default: state <= IDLE;
if (rst) begin
state <= IDLE;
bmap_x <= 0;
bmap_y <= 0;
pix <= 0;
drawing <= 0;
State changes are driven by the four status flags.
At the start of each screen line, we use spr_active
to check whether the sprite appears on this line. If it does, we wait for the horizontal position with spr_begin
, compensating for data latency. Next, we select the pixels to draw from the graphic, stopping when we get a spr_end
or line_end
flag. We then wait out the data latency before idling. If we didn’t account for the data latency, we’d chop off the right-hand side of our sprite.
Our new display signals module uses signed coordinates, so both our screen (sx, sy)
and sprite (spx,spy)
coordinates are declared signed.
You might be wondering why I’ve setSX_OFFS
to 2. Doesn’t an asynchronous ROM provide data immediately? It does, but one cycle is switching state from waiting to drawing, and one cycle is registering the memory address.
Sprite on Screen
With our new display module in hand, it’s time to see our static sprite on screen:
- iCEBreaker (iCE40): ice40/top_tinyf_inline.sv
- Arty (XC7): xc7/top_tinyf_inline.sv
- Nexys Video (XC7): xc7-dvi/top_tinyf_inline.sv
- Verilator Sim: sim/top_tinyf_inline.sv
iCEBreaker version shown below:
module top_tinyf_inline (
input wire logic clk_12m, // 12 MHz clock
input wire logic btn_rst, // reset button
output logic dvi_clk, // DVI pixel clock
output logic dvi_hsync, // DVI horizontal sync
output logic dvi_vsync, // DVI vertical sync
output logic dvi_de, // DVI data enable
output logic [3:0] dvi_r, // 4-bit DVI red
output logic [3:0] dvi_g, // 4-bit DVI green
output logic [3:0] dvi_b // 4-bit DVI blue
// generate pixel clock
logic clk_pix;
logic clk_pix_locked;
logic rst_pix;
clock_480p clock_pix_inst (
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) rst_pix <= !clk_pix_locked; // wait for clock lock
// display sync signals and coordinates
localparam CORDW = 16; // signed coordinate width (bits)
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sx, sy;
logic hsync, vsync;
logic de, line;
display_480p #(.CORDW(CORDW)) display_inst (
// screen dimensions (must match display_inst)
localparam H_RES = 640;
// sprite parameters
localparam SPRX = 32; // horizontal position
localparam SPRY = 16; // vertical position
// sprite
logic pix, drawing;
sprite_inline #(
) sprite_f (
// paint colour: yellow sprite, blue background
logic [3:0] paint_r, paint_g, paint_b;
always_comb begin
paint_r = (drawing && pix) ? 4'hF : 4'h1;
paint_g = (drawing && pix) ? 4'hC : 4'h3;
paint_b = (drawing && pix) ? 4'h0 : 4'h7;
// display colour: paint colour but black in blanking interval
logic [3:0] display_r, display_g, display_b;
always_comb begin
display_r = (de) ? paint_r : 4'h0;
display_g = (de) ? paint_g : 4'h0;
display_b = (de) ? paint_b : 4'h0;
// DVI Pmod output
SB_IO #(
) dvi_signal_io [14:0] (
.PACKAGE_PIN({dvi_hsync, dvi_vsync, dvi_de, dvi_r, dvi_g, dvi_b}),
.D_OUT_0({hsync, vsync, de, display_r, display_g, display_b}),
// DVI Pmod clock output: 180° out of phase with other DVI signals
SB_IO #(
.PIN_TYPE(6'b010000) // PIN_OUTPUT_DDR
) dvi_clk_io (
This top module is straightforward: we generate display signals and feed them to the sprite module. We use the output of the sprite module to choose the colour to paint: yellow or blue in this example.
You may have spotted a new signal called rst_pix
. This is a reset in the pixel clock domain. We standardise this name for clarity and so that all boards can use the same design. Later designs will introduce a system clock domain with its own reset named rst_sys
Building the Designs
In the Hardware Sprites section of the git repo, you’ll find the design files, a makefile for iCEBreaker and Verilator, and a Vivado project for Xilinx-based boards. There are also build instructions for boards and simulations.
Build and run your design. You should see a small golden letter ‘F’ and a dot towards the top left of the screen. From these tiny beginnings, mighty sprites will grow.
Try changing the sprite position using SPRX
and SPRY
. You can change the sprite and background colours using paint_r
, paint_g
, and paint_b
External ROM
Storing the sprite within the Verilog module is simple but inflexible. If we want to change the graphic, we must update the Verilog. A cleaner approach is to use a ROM module and then load a bitmap from an external file.
We’re going to use an asynchronous (no clock) ROM module [rom_async.sv]:
module rom_async #(
parameter WIDTH=8,
parameter DEPTH=256,
parameter INIT_F="",
localparam ADDRW=$clog2(DEPTH)
) (
input wire logic [ADDRW-1:0] addr,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] data
logic [WIDTH-1:0] memory [DEPTH];
initial begin
if (INIT_F != 0) begin
$display("Creating rom_async from init file '%s'.", INIT_F);
$readmemh(INIT_F, memory);
always_comb data = memory[addr];
And the memory initialization file looks like this [letter_f.mem]:
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
The sprite module pulls in our new ROM design [sprite_rom.sv]:
module sprite_rom #(
parameter CORDW=16, // signed coordinate width (bits)
parameter H_RES=640, // horizontal screen resolution (pixels)
parameter SX_OFFS=2, // horizontal screen offset (pixels)
parameter SPR_FILE="", // sprite bitmap file ($readmemh format)
parameter SPR_WIDTH=8, // sprite bitmap width in pixels
parameter SPR_HEIGHT=8, // sprite bitmap height in pixels
parameter SPR_DATAW=1 // data width: bits per pixel
) (
input wire logic clk, // clock
input wire logic rst, // reset
input wire logic line, // start of active screen line
input wire logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sx, sy, // screen position
input wire logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sprx, spry, // sprite position
output logic [SPR_DATAW-1:0] pix, // pixel colour index
output logic drawing // drawing at position (sx,sy)
// sprite bitmap ROM
logic [$clog2(SPR_ROM_DEPTH)-1:0] spr_rom_addr; // pixel position
logic spr_rom_data; // pixel colour
rom_async #(
) spr_rom (
// horizontal coordinate within sprite bitmap
logic [$clog2(SPR_WIDTH)-1:0] bmap_x;
// for registering sprite position
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sprx_r, spry_r;
// status flags: used to change state
logic spr_active; // sprite active on this line
logic spr_begin; // begin sprite drawing
logic spr_end; // end of sprite on this line
logic line_end; // end of screen line, corrected for sx offset
always_comb begin
spr_active = (sy - spry_r >= 0) && (sy - spry_r < SPR_HEIGHT);
spr_begin = (sx >= sprx_r - SX_OFFS);
spr_end = (bmap_x == SPR_WIDTH-1);
line_end = (sx == H_RES - SX_OFFS);
// sprite state machine
enum {
IDLE, // awaiting line signal
REG_POS, // register sprite position
ACTIVE, // check if sprite is active on this line
WAIT_POS, // wait for horizontal sprite position
SPR_LINE, // iterate over sprite pixels
WAIT_DATA // account for data latency
} state;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (line) begin // prepare for new line
state <= REG_POS;
pix <= 0;
drawing <= 0;
end else begin
case (state)
REG_POS: begin
state <= ACTIVE;
sprx_r <= sprx;
spry_r <= spry;
ACTIVE: state <= spr_active ? WAIT_POS : IDLE;
WAIT_POS: begin
if (spr_begin) begin
state <= SPR_LINE;
spr_rom_addr <= (sy - spry_r) * SPR_WIDTH + (sx - sprx_r) + SX_OFFS;
bmap_x <= 0;
SPR_LINE: begin
if (spr_end || line_end) state <= WAIT_DATA;
spr_rom_addr <= spr_rom_addr + 1;
bmap_x <= bmap_x + 1;
pix <= spr_rom_data;
drawing <= 1;
WAIT_DATA: begin
state <= IDLE; // 1 cycle between address set and data receipt
pix <= 0; // default colour
drawing <= 0;
default: state <= IDLE;
if (rst) begin
state <= IDLE;
spr_rom_addr <= 0;
bmap_x <= 0;
pix <= 0;
drawing <= 0;
A quick tweak to our top module and we’re ready to build the new version:
- iCEBreaker (iCE40): ice40/top_tinyf_rom.sv
- Arty (XC7): xc7/top_tinyf_rom.sv
- Nexys Video (XC7): xc7-dvi/top_tinyf_rom.sv
- Verilator Sim: sim/top_tinyf_rom.sv
Scaling Up
Next, let’s scale our sprite up. We make larger sprites by increasing the size of the bitmap. However, it’s also useful to be able to scale our sprites up when drawing them. A scaled-up sprite will be blocky but will use few resources and allows a design to work at different screen resolutions.
The new module is [sprite.sv]:
module sprite #(
parameter CORDW=16, // signed coordinate width (bits)
parameter H_RES=640, // horizontal screen resolution (pixels)
parameter SX_OFFS=2, // horizontal screen offset (pixels)
parameter SPR_FILE="", // sprite bitmap file ($readmemh format)
parameter SPR_WIDTH=8, // sprite bitmap width in pixels
parameter SPR_HEIGHT=8, // sprite bitmap height in pixels
parameter SPR_SCALE=0, // scale factor: 0=1x, 1=2x, 2=4x, 3=8x etc.
parameter SPR_DATAW=1 // data width: bits per pixel
) (
input wire logic clk, // clock
input wire logic rst, // reset
input wire logic line, // start of active screen line
input wire logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sx, sy, // screen position
input wire logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sprx, spry, // sprite position
output logic [SPR_DATAW-1:0] pix, // pixel colour index
output logic drawing // drawing at position (sx,sy)
// sprite bitmap ROM
logic [$clog2(SPR_ROM_DEPTH)-1:0] spr_rom_addr; // pixel position
logic [SPR_DATAW-1:0] spr_rom_data; // pixel colour
rom_async #(
) spr_rom (
// horizontal coordinate within sprite bitmap
logic [$clog2(SPR_WIDTH)-1:0] bmap_x;
// horizontal scale counter
logic [SPR_SCALE:0] cnt_x;
// for registering sprite position
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sprx_r, spry_r;
// status flags: used to change state
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] spr_diff; // diff vertical screen and sprite positions
logic spr_active; // sprite active on this line
logic spr_begin; // begin sprite drawing
logic spr_end; // end of sprite on this line
logic line_end; // end of screen line, corrected for sx offset
always_comb begin
spr_diff = (sy - spry_r) >>> SPR_SCALE; // arithmetic right-shift
spr_active = (spr_diff >= 0) && (spr_diff < SPR_HEIGHT);
spr_begin = (sx >= sprx_r - SX_OFFS);
spr_end = (bmap_x == SPR_WIDTH-1);
line_end = (sx == H_RES - SX_OFFS);
// sprite state machine
enum {
IDLE, // awaiting line signal
REG_POS, // register sprite position
ACTIVE, // check if sprite is active on this line
WAIT_POS, // wait for horizontal sprite position
SPR_LINE, // iterate over sprite pixels
WAIT_DATA // account for data latency
} state;
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
if (line) begin // prepare for new line
state <= REG_POS;
pix <= 0;
drawing <= 0;
end else begin
case (state)
REG_POS: begin
state <= ACTIVE;
sprx_r <= sprx;
spry_r <= spry;
ACTIVE: state <= spr_active ? WAIT_POS : IDLE;
WAIT_POS: begin
if (spr_begin) begin
state <= SPR_LINE;
spr_rom_addr <= spr_diff * SPR_WIDTH + (sx - sprx_r) + SX_OFFS;
bmap_x <= 0;
cnt_x <= 0;
SPR_LINE: begin
if (line_end) state <= WAIT_DATA;
pix <= spr_rom_data;
drawing <= 1;
if (SPR_SCALE == 0 || cnt_x == 2**SPR_SCALE-1) begin
if (spr_end) state <= WAIT_DATA;
spr_rom_addr <= spr_rom_addr + 1;
bmap_x <= bmap_x + 1;
cnt_x <= 0;
end else cnt_x <= cnt_x + 1;
WAIT_DATA: begin
state <= IDLE; // 1 cycle between address set and data receipt
pix <= 0; // default colour
drawing <= 0;
default: state <= IDLE;
if (rst) begin
state <= IDLE;
spr_rom_addr <= 0;
bmap_x <= 0;
cnt_x <= 0;
pix <= 0;
drawing <= 0;
We can then drive this with a small change to our top module.
- iCEBreaker (iCE40): ice40/top_tinyf_scale.sv
- Arty (XC7): xc7/top_tinyf_scale.sv
- Nexys Video (XC7): xc7-dvi/top_tinyf_scale.sv
- Verilator Sim: sim/top_tinyf_scale.sv
Build the design with scaling, and you should see a larger F:
Moving Around
We can move our sprite around the screen by replacing the fixed position parameters with variables. I’ve created a simple example that moves the scaled-up ‘F’ back and forth across the screen.
- iCEBreaker (iCE40): ice40/top_tinyf_move.sv
- Arty (XC7): xc7/top_tinyf_move.sv
- Nexys Video (XC7): xc7-dvi/top_tinyf_move.sv
- Verilator Sim: sim/top_tinyf_move.sv
Note how the sprite draws correctly as it moves off the left and right sides of the screen using signed coordinates.
The Arty version looks like this:
module top_tinyf_move (
input wire logic clk_100m, // 100 MHz clock
input wire logic btn_rst_n, // reset button
output logic vga_hsync, // horizontal sync
output logic vga_vsync, // vertical sync
output logic [3:0] vga_r, // 4-bit VGA red
output logic [3:0] vga_g, // 4-bit VGA green
output logic [3:0] vga_b // 4-bit VGA blue
// generate pixel clock
logic clk_pix;
logic clk_pix_locked;
logic rst_pix;
clock_480p clock_pix_inst (
.rst(!btn_rst_n), // reset button is active low
.clk_pix_5x(), // not used for VGA output
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) rst_pix <= !clk_pix_locked; // wait for clock lock
// display sync signals and coordinates
localparam CORDW = 16; // signed coordinate width (bits)
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sx, sy;
logic hsync, vsync;
logic de, frame, line;
display_480p #(.CORDW(CORDW)) display_inst (
// screen dimensions (must match display_inst)
localparam H_RES = 640;
localparam V_RES = 480;
// sprite parameters
localparam SPR_WIDTH = 8; // bitmap width in pixels
localparam SPR_HEIGHT = 8; // bitmap height in pixels
localparam SPR_SCALE = 3; // 2^3 = 8x scale
localparam SPR_DATAW = 1; // bits per pixel
localparam SPR_DRAWW = SPR_WIDTH * 2**SPR_SCALE; // draw width
localparam SPR_DRAWH = SPR_HEIGHT * 2**SPR_SCALE; // draw height
localparam SPR_SPX = 4; // horizontal speed (pixels/frame)
localparam SPR_FILE = "letter_f.mem"; // bitmap file
// draw sprite at position (sprx,spry)
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sprx, spry;
logic dx; // direction: 0 is right/down
// update sprite position once per frame
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) begin
if (frame) begin
if (dx == 0) begin // moving right
if (sprx + SPR_DRAWW >= H_RES + 2*SPR_DRAWW) dx <= 1; // move left
else sprx <= sprx + SPR_SPX; // continue right
end else begin // moving left
if (sprx <= -2*SPR_DRAWW) dx <= 0; // move right
else sprx <= sprx - SPR_SPX; // continue left
if (rst_pix) begin // centre sprite and set direction right
sprx <= H_RES/2 - SPR_DRAWW/2;
spry <= V_RES/2 - SPR_DRAWH/2;
dx <= 0;
logic drawing; // drawing at (sx,sy)
logic [SPR_DATAW-1:0] pix; // pixel colour index
sprite #(
) sprite_f (
// paint colour: yellow sprite, blue background
logic [3:0] paint_r, paint_g, paint_b;
always_comb begin
paint_r = (drawing && pix) ? 4'hF : 4'h1;
paint_g = (drawing && pix) ? 4'hC : 4'h3;
paint_b = (drawing && pix) ? 4'h0 : 4'h7;
// display colour: paint colour but black in blanking interval
logic [3:0] display_r, display_g, display_b;
always_comb begin
display_r = (de) ? paint_r : 4'h0;
display_g = (de) ? paint_g : 4'h0;
display_b = (de) ? paint_b : 4'h0;
// VGA Pmod output
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) begin
vga_hsync <= hsync;
vga_vsync <= vsync;
vga_r <= display_r;
vga_g <= display_g;
vga_b <= display_b;
The introduction promised “colourful” graphics: it’s time to make good on this by introducing a colour lookup table (CLUT). As discussed in Display Signals, we load a palette into a CLUT and then lookup colours before displaying them.
I’ve created a simple hourglass sprite bitmap using 4-bit colour indexes. Each pixel is represented by a hexadecimal digit:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
F 1 1 1 1 1 1 F
F F 2 2 2 2 F F
F F F 3 3 F F F
F F F 4 4 F F F
F F 5 5 5 5 F F
F 6 6 6 6 6 6 F
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
And I’ve chosen the teleport palette [teleport16_4b.mem].
And top modules to draw the hourglass:
- iCEBreaker (iCE40): ice40/top_hourglass.sv
- Arty (XC7): xc7/top_hourglass.sv
- Nexys Video (XC7): xc7-dvi/top_hourglass.sv
- Verilator Sim: sim/top_hourglass.sv
This is the Verilator simulation:
module top_hourglass #(parameter CORDW=16) ( // signed coordinate width (bits)
input wire logic clk_pix, // pixel clock
input wire logic rst_pix, // sim reset
output logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sdl_sx, // horizontal SDL position
output logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sdl_sy, // vertical SDL position
output logic sdl_de, // data enable (low in blanking interval)
output logic sdl_frame, // high at start of frame
output logic [7:0] sdl_r, // 8-bit red
output logic [7:0] sdl_g, // 8-bit green
output logic [7:0] sdl_b // 8-bit blue
// display sync signals and coordinates
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sx, sy;
logic de, frame, line;
display_480p #(.CORDW(CORDW)) display_inst (
// screen dimensions (must match display_inst)
localparam H_RES = 640;
// colour parameters
localparam CHANW = 4; // colour channel width (bits)
localparam COLRW = 3*CHANW; // colour width: three channels (bits)
localparam CIDXW = 4; // colour index width (bits)
localparam TRANS_INDX = 'hF; // transparant colour index
localparam BG_COLR = 'h137; // background colour
localparam PAL_FILE = "../../../lib/res/palettes/teleport16_4b.mem"; // palette file
// sprite parameters
localparam SX_OFFS = 3; // horizontal screen offset (pixels): +1 for CLUT
localparam SPR_WIDTH = 8; // bitmap width in pixels
localparam SPR_HEIGHT = 8; // bitmap height in pixels
localparam SPR_SCALE = 4; // 2^4 = 16x scale
localparam SPR_FILE = "../res/sprites/hourglass.mem"; // bitmap file
logic drawing; // drawing at (sx,sy)
logic [CIDXW-1:0] spr_pix_indx; // pixel colour index
sprite #(
) sprite_hourglass (
// colour lookup table
logic [COLRW-1:0] spr_pix_colr;
clut_simple #(
) clut_instance (
// account for transparency and delay drawing signal to match CLUT delay (1 cycle)
logic drawing_t1;
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) drawing_t1 <= drawing && (spr_pix_indx != TRANS_INDX);
// paint colour: sprite or background
logic [CHANW-1:0] paint_r, paint_g, paint_b;
always_comb {paint_r, paint_g, paint_b} = (drawing_t1) ? spr_pix_colr : BG_COLR;
// display colour: paint colour but black in blanking interval
logic [CHANW-1:0] display_r, display_g, display_b;
always_comb {display_r, display_g, display_b} = (de) ? {paint_r, paint_g, paint_b} : 0;
// SDL output (8 bits per colour channel)
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) begin
sdl_sx <= sx;
sdl_sy <= sy;
sdl_de <= de;
sdl_frame <= frame;
sdl_r <= {2{display_r}};
sdl_g <= {2{display_g}};
sdl_b <= {2{display_b}};
Note how we increase SX_OFFS
to 3 because it takes an additional cycle to lookup the pixel colour using the CLUT.
We now have two ways of changing colours: editing the pixels in the bitmap or changing the palette.
Try changing the palette to sweetie16_4b.mem
and editing the pixels in hourglass.mem
. The transparent colour is set by the TRANS_INDX
Let’s try something a little bit more artistic. Rather than continue to inflict my drawing skills on you, I’m using the adorable hedgehog from the Amiga platformer, Superfrog. You can download Team 17 Amiga games from Dream 17.
The hedgehog graphic is 32x20 for a total of 640 pixels. The original Amiga game uses 32 colours, of which the hedgehog uses ten, plus one transparent colour. As with the hourglass graphic, we use four bits per pixel.
The memory requirement for this sprite is: 32 x 20 x 4 = 2,560 or 2.5 kilobits
I use a tool called img2fmem to convert the sprite image to [hedgehog.mem].
Sync ROM
Using async ROM consumes logic. For larger sprites you might prefer to use a synchronous ROM (BRAM): [rom_sync.sv]. You will need to adjustSX_OFFS
and theWAIT_DATA
state to account for the increased latency.
The hedgehog palette looks like this:
Next we make our hedgehog’s world a little more interesting by creating a landscape. We do this by with horizontal bars of colour in the background:
// background colour
logic [COLRW-1:0] bg_colr;
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) begin
if (line) begin
if (sy == 0) bg_colr <= 12'h239;
else if (sy == 80) bg_colr <= 12'h24A;
else if (sy == 140) bg_colr <= 12'h25B;
else if (sy == 190) bg_colr <= 12'h26C;
else if (sy == 230) bg_colr <= 12'h27D;
else if (sy == 265) bg_colr <= 12'h29E;
else if (sy == 295) bg_colr <= 12'h2BF;
else if (sy == 320) bg_colr <= 12'h260;
We move our hedgehog down the screen to walk on the ground:
if (rst_pix) begin // start off screen and level with grass
sprx <= H_RES;
spry <= 240;
- iCEBreaker (iCE40): ice40/top_hedgehog.sv
- Arty (XC7): xc7/top_hedgehog.sv
- Nexys Video (XC7): xc7-dvi/top_hedgehog.sv
- Verilator Sim: sim/top_hedgehog.sv
Nexys Video version shown below:
module top_hedgehog (
input wire logic clk_100m, // 100 MHz clock
input wire logic btn_rst_n, // reset button
output logic hdmi_tx_ch0_p, // HDMI source channel 0 diff+
output logic hdmi_tx_ch0_n, // HDMI source channel 0 diff-
output logic hdmi_tx_ch1_p, // HDMI source channel 1 diff+
output logic hdmi_tx_ch1_n, // HDMI source channel 1 diff-
output logic hdmi_tx_ch2_p, // HDMI source channel 2 diff+
output logic hdmi_tx_ch2_n, // HDMI source channel 2 diff-
output logic hdmi_tx_clk_p, // HDMI source clock diff+
output logic hdmi_tx_clk_n // HDMI source clock diff-
// generate pixel clock
logic clk_pix;
logic clk_pix_5x;
logic clk_pix_locked;
logic rst_pix;
clock_720p clock_pix_inst (
.rst(!btn_rst_n), // reset button is active low
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) rst_pix <= !clk_pix_locked; // wait for clock lock
// display sync signals and coordinates
localparam CORDW = 16; // signed coordinate width (bits)
logic [CORDW-1:0] sx, sy;
logic hsync, vsync;
logic de, frame, line;
display_720p #(.CORDW(CORDW)) display_inst (
// screen dimensions (must match display_inst)
localparam H_RES = 1280;
// colour parameters
localparam CHANW = 4; // colour channel width (bits)
localparam COLRW = 3*CHANW; // colour width: three channels (bits)
localparam CIDXW = 4; // colour index width (bits)
localparam TRANS_INDX = 'h9; // transparant colour index
localparam PAL_FILE = "hedgehog_4b.mem"; // palette file
// sprite parameters
localparam SX_OFFS = 3; // horizontal screen offset (pixels): +1 for CLUT
localparam SPR_WIDTH = 32; // bitmap width in pixels
localparam SPR_HEIGHT = 20; // bitmap height in pixels
localparam SPR_SCALE = 3; // 2^3 = 8x scale
localparam SPR_DRAWW = SPR_WIDTH * 2**SPR_SCALE; // draw width
localparam SPR_SPX = 4; // horizontal speed (pixels/frame)
localparam SPR_FILE = "hedgehog.mem"; // bitmap file
logic signed [CORDW-1:0] sprx, spry; // draw sprite at position (sprx,spry)
// update sprite position once per frame
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) begin
if (frame) begin
if (sprx <= -SPR_DRAWW) sprx <= H_RES; // move back to right of screen
else sprx <= sprx - SPR_SPX; // otherwise keep moving left
if (rst_pix) begin // start off screen and level with grass
sprx <= H_RES;
spry <= 320;
logic drawing; // drawing at (sx,sy)
logic [CIDXW-1:0] spr_pix_indx; // pixel colour index
sprite #(
) sprite_hedgehog (
// colour lookup table
logic [COLRW-1:0] spr_pix_colr;
clut_simple #(
) clut_instance (
// account for transparency and delay drawing signal to match CLUT delay (1 cycle)
logic drawing_t1;
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) drawing_t1 <= drawing && (spr_pix_indx != TRANS_INDX);
// background colour
logic [COLRW-1:0] bg_colr;
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) begin
if (line) begin
if (sy == 0) bg_colr <= 12'h239;
else if (sy == 120) bg_colr <= 12'h24A;
else if (sy == 220) bg_colr <= 12'h25B;
else if (sy == 300) bg_colr <= 12'h26C;
else if (sy == 360) bg_colr <= 12'h27D;
else if (sy == 410) bg_colr <= 12'h29E;
else if (sy == 450) bg_colr <= 12'h2BF;
else if (sy == 480) bg_colr <= 12'h260;
// paint colour: sprite or background
logic [CHANW-1:0] paint_r, paint_g, paint_b;
always_comb {paint_r, paint_g, paint_b} = (drawing_t1) ? spr_pix_colr : bg_colr;
// display colour: paint colour but black in blanking interval
logic [CHANW-1:0] display_r, display_g, display_b;
always_comb begin
display_r = (de) ? paint_r : 4'h0;
display_g = (de) ? paint_g : 4'h0;
display_b = (de) ? paint_b : 4'h0;
// DVI signals (8 bits per colour channel)
logic [2*CHANW-1:0] dvi_r, dvi_g, dvi_b;
logic dvi_hsync, dvi_vsync, dvi_de;
always_ff @(posedge clk_pix) begin
dvi_hsync <= hsync;
dvi_vsync <= vsync;
dvi_de <= de;
dvi_r <= {2{display_r}};
dvi_g <= {2{display_g}};
dvi_b <= {2{display_b}};
// TMDS encoding and serialization
logic tmds_ch0_serial, tmds_ch1_serial, tmds_ch2_serial, tmds_clk_serial;
dvi_generator dvi_out (
.ctrl_in_ch0({dvi_vsync, dvi_hsync}),
// TMDS output pins
tmds_out tmds_ch0 (.tmds(tmds_ch0_serial),
.pin_p(hdmi_tx_ch0_p), .pin_n(hdmi_tx_ch0_n));
tmds_out tmds_ch1 (.tmds(tmds_ch1_serial),
.pin_p(hdmi_tx_ch1_p), .pin_n(hdmi_tx_ch1_n));
tmds_out tmds_ch2 (.tmds(tmds_ch2_serial),
.pin_p(hdmi_tx_ch2_p), .pin_n(hdmi_tx_ch2_n));
tmds_out tmds_clk (.tmds(tmds_clk_serial),
.pin_p(hdmi_tx_clk_p), .pin_n(hdmi_tx_clk_n));
Here’s our finished landscape with hedgehog:
I hope you enjoyed this instalment of Exploring FPGA Graphics, but nothing beats creating your own designs. Here are a few sprite suggestions:
- Design your own 8x8 spaceship sprite
- Use buttons to control the position of a sprite on screen
- Add additional hedgehogs sprite instances to the final design
- Draw the numbers 0-9 as sprites and use them to score Pong
Sprite Engine
This sprite design works for simple cases but lacks many desirable features for games. One day I plan to write about a sprite engine, including external memory, animated graphics, rotation, and collision detection.
What’s Next?
Next time in FPGA Graphics, we learn about framebuffers and bitmap graphics. You can also check out my FPGA & RISC-V Tutorials.
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