Project F

News: November 2021

Published · Updated

Welcome to your November news from Project F. This month’s new blog post covers multiplication with DSPs, plus there are loads of interesting links and an FPGA advent calendar. I’m also happy to report that the main Project F repo projf-explore passed 200 stars on GitHub.

The Project F blog is resting over the winter. The next post will be in spring 2022.

Multiplication with FPGA DSPs

In a change to advertised programming, I posted a brand new blog entry covering multiplication using DSP blocks. I had intended to cover real numbers this month, but the feedback I receive strongly favours hands-on, practical posts that academic sources tend not to cover. I hope you find this post useful.

In Multiplication with FPGA DSPs, I take some simple mathematical functions, such as X cubed, and graph them on screen. As the complexity of the maths increases, the benefits to separate pipeline stages also increases. The design of the demos makes it easy to experiment with your own mathematical function.


Quick Updates

As well as new designs and posts, I aim to improve some existing resources each month. Here are a few of the changes during November:

FPGA Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar 2021

Check out the FPGA Advent Calendar (Twitter) featuring inspiring news and projects from 2021.

And Finally: Mysterious Mountains

You’re playing the best game ever made.
In the distance, mysterious mountains.
What if you could open this door?

Open This Door

Read the June 2022 news or see the news archive.

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I use contributions to spend more time creating open-source FPGA designs and tutorials.